Jazz 1 – 2
(Begins at age 5)
Beginning jazz dance uses simple movements that children can relate to, which eventually evolve into modern and contemporary dance moves. The goal is to give the young dancer strength, flexibility, agility while offering a positive atmosphere supportive of positive self-esteem, self-expression and having fun.
Trainee Modern
(teacher placement)
Trainee Modern features a syllabus of rhythmic dance that combines modern dance forms with contemporary and lyrical styles producing a syllabus which is always evolving to keep abreast of the latest dance styles and forms. The training offers students the chance to develop technique and musicality and a good sense of performance, while offering exposure to improvisation, and information such as modern dance history.

Company Classes, Modern / Contemporary
teacher placement, experience required
Once you have achieved a high level of modern and contemporary instruction and skill, you may audition to enter IBT’s renowned Company. Under the direction of Associate Artistic Director, Amanda Tuohy CDE, the dancers have the opportunity to learn, choreograph and perform an eclectic repertoire. Modern dance at IBT is a classical and contemporary dance study, offering ability to increase skill and understanding of modern dance style and form such as Cunningham, Horton, Graham, release techniques, and improvisation skills taught primarily by Amanda Tuohy and Christie Kamanaroff, both bringing years of knowledge and a dance background at Columbia College Chicago to the students. Contemporary dance adds additional skills in conveying the emotions of a piece of music or the choreographer’s theme through movement and the use of strong emotional expressions of both the face and body.