Hip-Hop 1
(Ages 5-8)
Hip-hop is a very energetic form of dance, drawing from jazz, tap and various cultural dance genres. Beginning hip-hop dancers will begin to develop their sense of rhythm and isolated movement, with a performance culminating their work throughout the year. Hip-hop at IBT is a fun and popular class amongst students!
Hip-Hop 2
(Ages 9-12+)
Hip-Hop 2 classes give students the opportunity to learn the foundations of locking, popping and commercial dance, using chart music both old and new. Students further develop skill and excitement for hip-hop dance, with a performance culminating their work throughout the year.
Hip-Hop 3
(Age 13+ by teacher placement)
Students worked toward mastery of hip-hop dance and are challenged with technical moves requiring strength and control. Originality, personality, athleticism and confidence are developed in this style and level of dance. Hip-Hop 3 students often perform in area outreach programming, and further deepen their performance abilities through these opportunities